




Research projects completed/ongoing



Sl.No. Titled of the project Duration Project cost (Rs. in lakh) Funding Agency  P.I.
1  Development of rainfed horticulture in red laterite drought prone zone of West Bengal  1996-01  10.58  IARI, Government of India Prof. S. N. Ghosh
2   Studies on Irrigation Requirement for Economic Use of Water of Banana and Litchi  1997-03  4.50  Adaptive Research Council,
Govt. of W.B.
 Prof. M. A. Hasan
3  Collection, documentation and validation of Indigenous technology “Bending of guava shoots”-   2001-03    IARI, New Delhi  Prof. B. Ghosh
4  Feasibility of grape cultivation in red and laterite zone of West Bengal  2003-06  3.60  Dept of Food Processing Industries & Hort., Govt. of W.B.  Prof. S. N. Ghosh
5  Maximization of sweet orange production under rainfed laterite soil through integrated nutrient management, micro-irrigation and intercropping  2004-07  4.07  Dept of Food Processing Industries & Hort., Govt. of W.B.  Prof. S. N. Ghosh
 6  Improved orchard management practices for quality production of litchi”  2005-08  4.99  Dept. of Food processing Industries and Hort., W.B.  Prof. B. Ghosh
 7  Integrated management practices for improving productivity and fruit quality in rejuvenated mango orchard  2005-08  4.99  Dept. of Food processing Industries and Hort., W.B  Prof. M. A. Hasan
 8  Export oriented pomegranate production by regulating biotic and abiotic factors  2006-10  5.0  Dept. of Food Processing Industries & Hort., W.B.  Prof. S. N. Ghosh
 9  Technologies for production of organic litchi in West Bengal  2006-09  3.00  Dept. of Food Processing Industries and Hort., Govt. of W.B.  Prof. P. Datta
10  Influence of bagging on fruit quality and mineral composition of Himsagar mango grown in West Bengal  2006-09  0.85  UGC,New Delhi  Prof. P. Datta
11  Nutritional Security and economic upliftment of rural women belonging to SC/ST community through homestead kitchen garden, zero-energy cool chamber and small scale processing unit  2006-09  10.45  DST, Govt. of India (Seed Division)  Prof. P. Datta
12  Radiation technology in conjuction with Pre-harvest management practices for extending the shelf life of mango and litchi grown in West Bengal  2006-09  24.90  BARC, Mumbai  Prof. P. Datta
 13  Developing a model for canopy management and training and pruning strategies of high density mango orchard for yield and quality improvement and export promotion  2006-09  51.38  RKVY, Govt. of W.B.  Prof. P. Datta
 14  Exploration of grape cultivation in Bankura and Birbhum districts of West Bengal  2006-12  28.10  Dept. of Food Processing Industries & Hort., W.B.  Prof. S. N. Ghosh
 15  Exploiting the potentiality of underutilized fruit crops (ber and aonla) for poverty alleviation and nutritional security of tribal population in the red and laterite region of West Bengal  2007-10  4.94   Dept. of Food Processing Industries & Hort., W.B.  Prof. M. A. Hasan
 16  Collection, conservation and evaluation of grape germplasm in laterite tract of West Bengal  2008-11  1.54   M/s Greenery Developers Ltd., Kolkata  Prof. S. N. Ghosh
 17  Long term evaluation of Syngenta molecules  2009-10  0.91  Syngenta, India  Prof. M. A. Hasan
 18  Rohm & Haas Project on Horticultural Crops  2010-11  5.20  Rohm& Haas (India) Pvt.Ltd., India  Prof. S. N. Ghosh
 19  Development of value chain in litchi   2010-12    RKVY- R & D project, Dept. of Food processing Industries and Hort.  Prof. S. K. Mitra
 20  Evaluation of bio-efficacy of ethephon 39%SL on tomato and pineapple  2011-12  3.24  M/s Crystal Phosphate Ltd  Prof. S. N. Ghosh
 21  Bio-efficacy trial of the product CIL-P-112 of Cheminova on mango  2012-13  1.95  M/S Cheminova India Ltd. Bangalore  Prof. S. N. Ghosh
 22  R & D on BANANA FIBRE : Extraction, Value Addition and Handicrafts for Rural Economic & Environmental Security  2013-15  56.84   RKVY  Prof. S. Debnath
 23  Development of National Data Base on mango  2013-16  26.5   Department of Bio technology  Prof. B. Ghosh
 24  Development of technology for production of wine grapes in Bankura district of West Bengal   2013-17  41.24  Paschimanchal Unnayan Parshad, Govt of W.B.  Prof. S. N. Ghosh
 25  Exploration of Banana Biodiversity and its Biotechnological Research in Nagaland 2018-21 29.67  DBT  Prof. S. Debnath
 26  Infrastructure Development for Fruit Crop Breeding and Multiplication Centre (FBMC) : RIDF-XXIII 2018-36 403.33  NABARD  Prof. S. Debnath
 27  Scaling up banana processing for agro-industry and entrepreneurship in West Bengal 2019-22 76.00  Govt. of W.B  Prof. S. Debnath
 28  Boosting Bio-Plate Industry in West Bengal for Clean Environment and Entrepreneurship”, 2019-20 21.85  RKVY-RAFTAAR  Prof. S. Debnath
 29  Organic cultivation of Dragon fruits for nutritional security 2019 to Contd 17.40  DST BT, Govt. of W.B.  Prof. P. Datta
 30 Circular urban cultivation with re-usable textile growing substrate (CirCulTex) 2021-24 76.43  IGSTC, DST, GoI   Prof. S. Debnath
 31 Survey, Collection, Conservation and Maintenance of under Utilized Fruits in West Bengal. 2011-13 3.041 RKVY  Prof. F.K.Bauri
 32 National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) on Banana. 2012-13 4.0 ICAR-IIHR  Prof. F.K.Bauri
 33 National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) on Mango. 2015-16 4.0 ICAR-IIHR  Prof. F.K.Bauri
 34  Bio-efficacy data generation on Diuron 80% WP in Grapes. 2015-16 1.0 Rainbow Agro Sciences  Pvt. Ltd.,  Prof. F.K.Bauri
 35  Evaluation of Pendimethalin 24% + Oxyflurofen4.1% ZE against weeds in Onion Crop. 2017-19 3.0

Insecticides India Ltd.

 Prof. F.K.Bauri
 36  Bio-efficacy & Phytotoxicity data of Sodium ParaNitrophenolate 0.3% SL (PGR) in mango & cucumber. 2018-20 6.0 NACL Industries Ltd  Prof. F.K.Bauri
 37  Evaluation of FLAMBERGE as a bio-stimulant in Tomato. 2022-23 1.5 ADAMA India Pvt. Ltd.,  Prof. F.K.Bauri
 38  Giberellic Acid 0.001% L. for Efficacy, Phytotoxicity in Banana. 2023-25 2.5 Penshibao Wang Pvt. Ltd  Prof. F.K.Bauri

Seminar and Training organized

  1. Webinar on Advancement in Fruit Production Technologies: Present situation and future strategies on 14.09.2021
  2. National Symposium on Production, Utilization and Export of Underutilized Fruits with Commercial Potentialities held during 22-24 November, 2006
  3. Short course on Advance technology for production of export oriented tropical and subtropical fruits sponsored by ICAR during 1st August -10th August, 2005 at FACC, Kalyani.
  4. Awareness training programme for Fruit Nurserymen of North Eastern Region of India for 3 days at FACC, Kalyani
  5. One day Awareness training programme on use of non woven wrapper of fruit crops and bunch cover for quality production of banana.
  6. Fruit Show : 2006-07.
  7. Litchi Day at Horticultural Research Station, Mondouri